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CONGRATULATIONS! Your Order is Confirmed....Now See Below to Enjoy MIND-BLOWING Success with 14 Days 100% FREE Healthy Coaching to Guarantee Your Dream Lean Body

Hey, it’s Mike Banner here.

I want to thank you with all my heart.

I truly appreciate the trust you put in me and I'm delighted to say your order was accepted and confirmed.

While we are busy preparing your order, I wanted to tell you that you’ve made the smartest choice for your health by ordering the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic.

And now that you’ve made the courageous decision to start losing weight, here’s what you need to understand….

Getting EXTRA HELP Can Spell the Difference Between Success and Failure!

As most of us who have tried to lose a few pounds know, it’s not always “smooth sailing” while trying to get into the best shape and health of your life.

You know that as well as me, right?

It can be a lonely journey at times, and you may not have the support of family and friends.

In fact, you may not have the support of anybody at all.

How many times have you started so strongly with so much hope, only to give up a few weeks later?

Don't feel bad. We've all done it. Me included.

And while the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is the most effective and powerful blend of metabolic nutrients that you’ll find anywhere…

Research shows that without ongoing support, many women and men struggle to achieve their weight loss goals.

Many folks feel so isolated, they end up sabotaging their weight loss efforts, giving in to their cravings and putting on even more pounds.

It’s no wonder so many people “fall off the wagon” when they lack even one person in their life to cheer them on.

You’ll encounter many challenges such as:

  • Feeling alone and unsupported at times.
  • Feeling like you’re never going to succeed
  • Feeling overwhelmed and confused
  • Having lots of questions about how to get lean and healthy

You’re going to forget to take the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic at times, and then you’ll need help getting back on track.

  • You’re going to wonder if you’re eating the right foods.
  • You’re going to hit some bumps in the road and feel like giving up.
  • You’re going to wish you had a knowledgeable expert to talk to.

Imagine how important this is when you need to lose 15, 20 or even 40 lbs…

Or how essential it is to keep the weight off once you’re losing it?

You’ll be needing super important help about how to stay on track…

And I want you to know we are here for you…

That’s Why for The Best Chance of Success, I’m Offering You 100% FREE Health Coaching When You Take the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic…

You read that right – you’re getting 100% free health coaching to make sure you get the best results you could ever dream of.

We are here for you and we want to help.

I want you to succeed beyond your wildest expectations.

And that means you WILL get expert support every step of the way.

That’s why I hired a team of researchers and nutritionists and I spent thousands of hours creating the Ultimate Vitality Club, an exclusive membership platform that will turbo-charge your weight loss efforts.

Ultimate Vitality Club Means You Get in Shape Even FASTER and it’s “DONE FOR YOU”

You know what?

I Feel So Good to Tell You That You Don’t Have to Go it Alone!

It means you’ll be better equipped than ever before to get into shape fast and look amazing for your friends, family and anyone who sees you.

The Ultimate Vitality Club is designed to provide you with the strongest support system possible while you’re getting into the best shape and health of your life.

You’ll receive unwavering support, inspiration and motivation so you’ll always stay on track.

Thanks to the Ultimate Vitality Club, you literally can NOT fail!

In fact, women and men who lost weight the fastest with the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic say they couldn’t have achieved such incredible results without the support of Ultimate Vitality Club.

Check out the amazing wealth of help you’ll enjoy as an exclusive VIP member:


Fat Burning Body Movement Videos

Simply follow the coach with ease from home to burn off the most stubborn fat, tone up the loose areas and look 10 years younger than your real age.


An Endless Supply of Anti-Aging Diets, Key Nutrition Guides And Strategies

Need the best nutrition guidelines, tricks and strategies for looking and feeling your best?

Every week you’ll get access to the latest key nutrition strategies, anti-aging strategies, shortcuts and little-known tricks that are only available in Ultimate Vitality Club.


Cutting-Edge Reports Covering the Latest Scientific Breakthroughs In Health And Fitness

Our nutrition experts and fitness pros bring you all the cutting-edge health reports straight from the world of science and break it down to you in terms you can understand easily.


Premium Support from Experts in Your Health Goals

Have a question and need an answer? Maybe you need to know the best tricks to stave off cravings, or you you need to overcome “emotional eating” or maybe you want to just drop the weight 3 x faster?

Find all the answers in just minutes thanks to our community of experts.


VIP 24/7 Email Support to Answer Every Single One of Your Questions

Need to consult a specialist with all your questions and get answers fast? Send us a message and get a qualified expert to answer your questions whenever you want!

Access To A Private Facebook Group

Once you join our Facebook group, you’ll be able to interact with other like-minded members and world-renowned pros.

Can you imagine simply getting any help you need in a few hours or even minutes thanks our Facebook group?

Your free membership gets you into our interactive Facebook group where you get unlimited support from like-minded members, can make friends and of course, ask the experts anything you need.


Access to The Key Health Nutrient Matrix

Need to know the truth about supplements? Want to discover the only ones that will really help you detox your organs, smooth out digestion, reduce uncomfortable bloating and feel a whole lot more energetic?

It’s all in our cutting-edge nutrient matrix.


Nutrition Strategies Videos

Our expert researchers and nutritionists spent thousands of hours working hard so you don’t have to research yourself.

The result? Our mind-blowing Nutrition Strategies Videos where we talk you through the latest tips, tricks and shortcuts to get in the shape of your life.


The Ultimate Vitality Club Kitchen

Need delicious, tasty recipes to stay toned, healthy and still eat your favorite foods?

Simply check out the Ultimate Vitality Club and get immediate access to hundreds of nutritionist-approved recipes to get slim, toned and stunning in weeks…and stay that way.

Ultimate Vitality Club is Helping Thousands of Happy Members Get Their Dream, Toned, Younger-looking Bodies Fast

You’ll be getting access to health coaches, nutrition experts, metabolic recipes and anti-aging strategies the public will simply never get their hands on…

Just imagine how much you’d pay for a personalized nutritionist….$100 for just one hour for this kind of support?

Well, I’d love to make it super easy for you to get a MUCH better deal…

Which is why I’d like to offer you…



Step 1 – Tick the Box Below


Step 2 – Click the Button to Get Instant Access

$99 $0



That’s right…

I’m giving you a TWO WEEKS of FREE Ultimate Vitality Club Membership!

No, you didn’t misunderstand me, it really is on the house

The regular monthly price to join the Ultimate Vitality Club is $99 per month.

You’re probably wondering would I give you an entirely free membership to health coaching?

Well, it’s simply because I want you to succeed.

I want you to feel great when you look in the mirror.

I want you to walk into any room confident that you look stunning, lean and toned…

I want you to feel attractive and beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside.

So, today only….thanks to the order you just placed and while you’re on this page…

You can join Ultimate Vitality Club at the insanely low cost of $99 $0 FREE TODAY for 2 weeks and then thanks to the order of Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, you qualify for an 85% membership discount for $99 $14.99 monthly ONLY if you love it.

If you don’t love it you simply opt out at any time you like. What’s more, this price will NEVER go up if you lock it in now.

And you can cancel at any time before the 14 days are up! Meaning you can pay nothing and get Hollywood star treatment for free.

You have to admit, FREE membership for an entire fortnight when you need it most is unbeatable….

Who else would offer you a free fortnight? Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig? A gym down the street? They wouldn’t dream of helping you out.

This is my way of giving back to people who need it most. You put your trust in me and I’d like to offer this gift to you as a token of my appreciation and respect for you…

And even more than that, it’s my dream to help you succeed in getting the wonderful, toned and lean body and face you so deserve.

There are no hidden fees and no surprises here. You have everything to gain…

The only catch is this is a special one-time offer…

Meaning that once you leave this page it will never be offered again and you won’t see it anywhere else!

So please don’t get mad at me if you change your mind….

To get access and your free 14-day FREE membership, simply tick the box below and click the button and upgrade your order….


Step 1 – Tick the Box Below


Step 2 – Click the Button to Get Instant Access

$99 $0



Let’s do this!

This is a Last Chance Offer

…. after you leave this page, this spectacular FREE 14-day deal will NEVER be made again! (So, please don’t call my office in the future begging for this offer as it won’t be available) Just have a look at what these happy members have to say about Ultimate Vitality Club…

Regan from Minnesota says:

I’ve lost weight many times before only to put it all back on and then some. Now I realize all I needed was an extra support for when times get tough.

I used to feel like cookies or ice cream whenever I went on a diet. Thanks to this group I get no cravings whatsoever, or if I do I know exactly what to do!

Tina from Wisconsin says:

I was 50lbs overweight and diabetic for 7 years. Until I had to have a real tough talk to myself as I was getting older.

I would always try to diet to lose 10 lbs then put on 15 lbs in the 3 months after that. Since I joined this club it’s easily been worth what I pay for it to stay in the best shape I’ve been for about 20 years.

James from Clearwater, Florida:

I was skeptical at first because I’ve tried a lot of things and none really helped long term. But this is different and I realized all I needed was ongoing support to stay in shape.

I feel more manly and younger again. I have to admit, I haven’t felt this way in years. It’s quite something to see a flat belly and toned arms and shoulders again at my 55 years old.

Thanks to the ongoing support with Ultimate Vitality Club, not only did I get in shape but I stay that way and I have plenty of energy.

Simply check the box and click below to qualify for the Ultimate Vitality Club free coaching and get started right away…


Step 1 – Tick the Box Below


Step 2 – Click the Button to Get Instant Access

$99 $0




Here are some of the most common questions we get asked when signing up to Ultimate Vitality Club.

How fast can I get in shape with Ultimate Vitality Club?

Some of our members shed several pounds a week, others around 2 lbs a week. It all depends how much weight you have to lose and how closely you follow our strategies.

Those with more pounds to drop tend to lose weight a lot faster than those who need to trim their last 10 lbs.

If you follow all our advice and strategies, you may lose weight too fast. Please take care if this happens to you.

Is Ultimate Vitality Club for both men and women?

Yes, Ultimate Vitality Club is equally suited for both women and men. The powerful body movement and nutrition strategies cover both sexes. Whether you’re a man or a woman, you can expect to see mind-blowing success and progress over the next few weeks.

How does Free Membership Work?

When you sign up today, you’ll get 2 weeks FREE membership to Ultimate Vitality Club. You qualify thanks to the order you just placed.

Is Ultimate Vitality Club guaranteed?

Yes! Ultimate Vitality Club is fully guaranteed for 60 days following each monthly membership charge. If you change your mind simply cancel your membership at any time.

Am I too old for Ultimate Vitality Club?

You simply cannot be too old or even too young to sign up. Ultimate Vitality Club is made for people of all ages! Sure, our members tend to be on average between 40 and 60 years of age but anyone of any age can benefit from it.

How do I get my Free Coaching?

When you tick the box and click the orange button below, you get automatic and immediate access to 14 amazing days of free healthy coaching. From then, it’s entirely up to you if you want to stay as an Ultimate Vitality Club member. We think you’ll love it!


$99 $0
