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WAIT: Burn Fat 24 Hours a Day….Even as You SLEEP?

See Below To BURN FAT ALL NIGHT As Well as During Daytime…and POWERFUL Fat-Burning, All While Enjoying HUGE Health Benefits With Deeper, Satisfying Sleep

Hey this is Mike and you’re at the final step just before we get to your order confirmation.

Now, even though we’ve been through a lot today, it’s still super important you read every single word of this crucial final message below because…

There’s something super important you have to know about dropping weight even faster

You see, it’s possible to get to your dream weight by burning off even more fat, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…

Thousands of happy Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic customers are getting even faster and better results from what I’m about to show you, because…

Now You Can Burn Fat at NIGHT While You Sleep Too...
24 Hours a Day!

I’m super happy that you invested in your health with The Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic, which melts away fat all day long, all while boosting your energy and curbing cravings…

And while that’s great, you can go one better and MELT away more fat 24/7, even as you sleep at night!

You see, when we’re in the deepest stage of sleep, our body produces huge amounts of growth hormone.

This growth hormone travels from our pituitary gland down to our liver where it’s turned into a powerful fat-loss hormone called IGF-1.

Then, the IGF-1 travels ferociously throughout our body, burning sugar, building new protein, increasing amino acid uptake…

This all helps your body melt away unwanted fat...

And what’s great is, the deeper we sleep, the more fat we burn and the more benefits we instantly get from this powerful hormone.

And with the simple trick below, you can drop into deep sleep for longer and simply switch on the IGF-1 hormone as you sleep at night…doubling your fat-burning potential…

Just imagine, burning fat all day with the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic and then melting off even more as you sleep soundly at night?

Picture yourself getting on the scales with a big smile on your face in the morning as you notice you’ve lost an entire pound of fat while you slept…yet AGAIN!

In a few weeks from today, you feel wonderful as you’ve been flattening your belly day by day, burning off fat faster and faster, feeling lighter, leaner and more energetic….

All because you know how to drain out fat as you sleep at night…

I’ll show you how it works in a second…

But first you have to know if you’re suffering from any worrying health concerns along with a frustrating lack of quality sleep…

It’s not your fault.

Scientists tell us we now have the highest stress levels in the history of humankind…

We’re sleeping WORSE than we ever did…

What’s more…due to depleted levels of minerals in our soils….

We’re not getting enough of the highly beneficial “sleep nutrients” that our ancestors or even our grandparents did….(more on those in a second)

Lack of quality sleep makes it almost impossible to stay on track with your weight loss goals…

Not only that, but according to Harvard Medical School, it can cause terrible cravings that are impossible to control…

So, with all that said…

Here’s How You Get Those Powerful “Deep Sleep Fat-Burning Nutrients” You Need to Drop into Blissful Sleep Every Night and Melt Fat 24/7…Easily and Guaranteed

Hundreds of our members told us their number one priority was getting better sleep…

Quite simply because with a good night’s sleep, not only do you feel positive, clear-headed, energetic and ready for anything…

You also take back control of your appetite…

It’s proven by science to help you say goodbye to cravings for foods that cause rapid fat storage…

And that’s why our team of researchers worked around the clock for months to uncover 4 of the most amazing deep sleep nutrients guaranteed and proven to help you drop into a deep sleep faster and for longer, and experience all the incredible benefits that come with it.

Deep Sleep Nutrient 1: Valerian Root

The first of those is a flowering plant native to Asia and Europe named Valerian Root.

And one study of 27 young and middle-aged adults with sleep difficulties, 24 people reported improved sleep and 12 of those reported "perfect sleep" after taking 400 mg of valerian root!

Another study found that a single dose of valerian allowed them to achieve deep sleep 36% faster.

In other words, with valerian you drop off faster, sleep deeper and for longer!

Deep Sleep Nutrient 2: GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)

GABA is a naturally occurring amino acid that helps you switch off and relax…and unfortunately most folks over 40 now have low levels of it, leading to restless thoughts and poor sleep.

But the good news is…

Scientists found that taking GABA one hour before bedtime helps you drop into deep sleep faster. (9)

How great would it be to feel blissful, relaxed and calm, before dropping right into a deep restorative sleep?

Deep Sleep Nutrient 3: Griffonia simplicifolia

The next sleep nutrient is from a shrub native to Africa…Griffonia simplicifolia, which provides us with another essential amino acid, L-Tryptophan.

And L-Tryptophan plays a major role in regulating the mood, weight-loss and sleep.

But it does a lot more than that…

L-Tryptophan increases feelings of satiety, meaning it’s goodbye to those dangerous night cravings. (4)

It’s a great natural substance for increasing night time fat burn.

Deep Sleep Nutrient 4: Melatonin

Our final super sleep nutrient is melatonin – otherwise known as the sleep hormone.

Research shows that melatonin levels decline each year after 40…leading to shallow sleep for many of us….

The good news is that taking melatonin as a supplement can help you fall asleep faster and significantly improve the quality of sleep, reduce cravings and actually speed up weight loss. (5)

These 4 Nutrients Alone Are Enough to Drop You into The Deepest, Most Blissful Sleep, Every Single Night…

So you wake up feeling super energetic, positive and on top of the world…

But there’s more…

Because we want to help you reach those beneficial levels of super deep “full recharge” sleep that trigger much faster fat burning, we included 3 more super relaxing herbs you’re going to love…

Chamomile Flower

You may have heard of the chamomile flower, as it’s been used as a natural remedy for centuries for sleep and relaxation.

This humble plant is packed with antioxidants that support cardiovascular health...

And it also contains a powerful antioxidant named apigenin.

And apigenin binds to receptors in the brain, to help increase sleepiness naturally. (1)

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

A 2011 study, published in Phytotherapy Research, found that purple passionflower simply improves the quality of sleep. (5)

And another trial showed that purple passionflower is as powerful as zolpidem (a common sleeping pill) but without the side effects.

In other words, men and women reported both super satisfying, longer sleep. (6)

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) Leaf

Our third and final natural sleep herb is a lemon-scented leaf that’s been traditionally used to support mood and cognitive function, but it does a lot more than that…

Because research has shown that lemon balm eases negative moods, tensionn and nervousness. (14)

It can even improve alertness and relieve restlessness at night. (15)

We packed all 7 of these powerful deep sleep nutrients together in a capsule at exactly the right dose…

And we decided to call it “Revitalize Night” because when you take it…

You’ll Feel Revitalized, Fresh And Like A New Person Every Morning…


We sent out some “Revitalize Night” samples to thousands of our members….

And within days we got back some glowing reviews…

Such as Marcy from near Phoenix, Arizona who said :

I’d never have thought fixing my sleep would resolve so many of my health complaints.

My doctor told me I’m now in much better shape all round.

I’ve stopped getting those cravings and my sugar levels, which were always a worry for me, are in the healthy range for the first time in 5 years.

I’ve lost even more weight than I expected but another thing is how I have lots of energy and I feel cheerful.

I can play with my granddaughter for a lot longer and we’re both very happy about that.

Marcy, 63

And Drew from Jefferson City. He says :

Hey Mike, I’m feeling ten years younger thanks to this super deep sleep I’m getting each night.

I was skeptical at first but I thought why not try it as my energy levels were low and I always woke up at night, sometimes two or three times.

I take Revitalize Night around one hour before bed. Then I get a wonderful sleep all through the night, not waking up once.

Now I have energy to burn which is awesome because I enjoy hiking on weekends.

I also feel like a younger man in other ways too. My sex drive has come right back (I thought it was gone forever) and me and the wife are having a great time. We went on a cruise just last month and had a ball.

I would recommend anyone who has health difficulties and spends more time at the doctor’s than they should to fix their sleep first. You could be saving yourself a whole lot of time and money!

Drew, 58


There are absolutely no side effects from Revitalize Night and you feel super alert and awake as soon as you wake up in the morning….

Revitalize Night is non-habit forming and it’s made of only naturally occurring plants and foods.

And what’s more…

As a new member, you benefit from a one-time discount of 50% from the retail price…

Meaning, you can benefit from the deepest sleep you’ve had since you were in your teens, burn fat overnight and experience countless other benefits such as reduced muscle and joint discomfort and super-charged energy levels…

What do you need to do now to get all of these incredible benefits as you sleep at night?

Get started by simply clicking on your best option now and get the best sleep you’ve had in decades with Revitalize Night…

1 Bottle






Total: $27

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee

3 Bottle






Total: $72

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee

6 Bottle






Total: $115

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee


When you say YES to Revitalize Night, you benefit from our unbeatable 3-month satisfaction guarantee and your secure purchase is protected for a full 90 days after we receive your order…you have zero risk.

Meaning, if for any reason, you aren’t 100% satisfied or even blown away by the amazing way you feel when you take Revitalize Night, you can contact us for a full refund at any time and not pay a cent.

You can jumpstart your night time fat-burning, deepen your sleep and improve every aspect of your health by simply adding Revitalize Night to your order today…

Choose your best option by clicking below:

1 Bottle






Total: $27

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee

3 Bottle






Total: $72

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee

6 Bottle






Total: $115

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee


Remember, when you take back control of your deep sleep, you:

  • Burn off fat 24/7 (yes, even at night)
  • Restore youthful energy levels
  • Feel positive and relaxed
  • Can focus with very little effort
  • Feel in full control of your appetite
  • Shut down your cravings

And not only that but melting off your belly fat becomes suddenly much easier…

On the other hand, if you’re getting anything other than great sleep each night, you should know that…

New research reveals that a lack of deep sleep is potentially deadly.

And around half of us over 40 aren’t even aware we’re missing out on this crucial deep sleep.

If you’ve ever spent a night tossing and turning, you already know how you’ll feel the next day — tired, grumpy, unable to focus and maybe snappy.

But the Real Effects of Lack of Deep Sleep or Sleeping (on Average) Less Than 7 Hours a Night Are Deadly Serious

Countless Scientific Studies Show That Poor Sleep Quality Can Be Terrible for Your Health…

Which in this day and age is a big concern for many of us, especially if you’re over 50.

And all that sounds pretty scary if you’ve been suffering with your sleep in any way…

Fortunately, you can now turn all this around with Revitalize Night…guaranteed to help you get a super deep, satisfying sleep…

All you need to do is click below to choose the best option for you and your family…

1 Bottle






Total: $27

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee

3 Bottle






Total: $72

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee

6 Bottle






Total: $115

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee


Revitalize Night is a One of a Kind Deep Sleep Supplement That You Can Only Get Right Here, Today…

The only catch is…you have to decide NOW because this huge 50% discount expires the second you leave this page….

I wouldn’t like for you to miss out on this outstanding discount, only to come back later disappointed to see you have to pay full price…

The good news is, to help you experience even more benefits of deep, satisfying sleep for the months to come…

We’ve now made it possible to stock up by making the 3 and 6 pack options available for a limited time only…

But hurry because stocks won’t last…

It can take months for us to get Revitalize Night shipped in from various places all over the world…

And the ingredients are scarce…

This is why stocking up on 3 or 6 bottles of Revitalize Night is the most popular option for thousands of our customers…

Click below to choose your best option and add it to your order:

1 Bottle






Total: $27

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee

3 Bottle






Total: $72

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee

6 Bottle






Total: $115

+ free shipping
90 days Guarantee
